Wednesday, December 7, 2016

BEST NEW AFRICAN POETS 2016 ANTHOLOGY Anthologie de Noueveaux Meilleurs Poetes Africains 2016 OS MELHORES “NOVOS” POETAS AFRICANOS 2016


Anthologie de Noueveaux Meilleurs Poetes Africains 2016


Niall R Hurley (South Africa):               Shelley Point
Lisa Jaison (Zimbabwe):                        The gift of a goodbye
Abel Sehloho (South Africa):                 Mother Africa
Abigail George (South Africa):           Sometimes Table Mountain and my sister
                                                             The manic depressive daughter
Afua Wilcox (South Africa):                    The Day Yaa Serwaa fell down the Pit Latrine
Agu Gift (Nigeria):                                    Have you ever wondered
Ajise Vincent (Nigeria):                            Illumination
Ali Znaidi (Tunisia) :                                 The Sky Hides its Ash
                                                                     Decayed Bones and Exhaled Breaths
                                                                     A Google Glass Sonnet
Amitabh Mitra (South Africa):                Hillbrow, Johannesburg
                                                                     Mdantsane, East London
Anthony Okoto Osei Jr (Ghana/USA):    Shango’s Song is Oya’s Nocturne
                                                                     The Sun’s First Born – Opener of the Ways
Antonio Garcia (South Africa):                To our boys who bled in Bangui
Asiko Joan (Kenya):                                   Dead skin
Athol Williams (South Africa):                 Walking with Bheki Mseleku
                                                                      Brenty: An African tragedy
Ayo Oyeku (Nigeria):                                 Prayer
                                                                      Ali Goes to School
                                                                      I Will Not Die Tonight
Ayomide Owoyemi (Nigeria):                  Ode to a poison
Beula Kapp (South Africa):                        Rivers
Bianca Nieuwenhuis (South Africa):        I too am an African
Bradley Purdon (South Africa):                 Alive in Silver
                                                                       I am connected
Chaun ballard (USA)                                   Field Notes
                                                                       Twelve ways of Looking at Darkness
Chenjerai Mhondera (Zimbabwe):           I want that Africa Go!
                                                                        Springs of savanna
Mbizo Chirasha (Zimbabwe):                    Blue Lemons
                                                                        My Painful Poetry
                                                                        Identity Apples
Christine Coates (South Africa):                Terra Nullius – the Marikana Symphony
                                                                        The Summer of 69
                                                                         First Weekend
Christopher Kudyahakudadirwe (Zimbabwe):  Stolen Dreams
                                                                                   A Shadow from A Dark Past
Cláudia Cassoma (Angola):                        The Africa I know
Chuma Mmeka ( Nigeria):                          Never Forget
Dennis brad Kunguru (Kenya):                  At the crack of dawn
Dime Maziba (DRC):                                    Child Soldiers
                                                                        I write
                                                                        Bye bye poet
Edward Dzonze (Zimbabwe):                     The black African
Eliza Mabungu (Mozambique):                 The glass that fell
Eric Ngobale (South Africa):                        Brother (I Can’t Breathe)
Fayssal Chafaki (Morocco):                         Francesca
Gideon Chumo (Kenya):                              Bangui; a Poetic Coup~ I. Papa Pomp
                                                                         Sunset at Westgate I
                                                                         For the reign is falling
Harry Owen (South Africa):                         Hadeda
                                                                         Questions to ask in South Africa
                                                                          In the botanical gardens
Hosea Tokwe (Zimbabwe):                          An Angry Graduate
James McKeown (South Africa):                Dreaming
Jarred Thompson (South Africa):               Chemicals in the mind of “G-O-D”
                                                                         The Epistemology of Desire
Brenda Juma (Kenya):                                  The City Queens
Kelechi Ezeigwe (Nigeria):                            The Diary
Kelvin Mangwende (Zimbabwe):                The Rainbird is dead
Kgolagano Tshela (South Africa):                Drowning in these feelings alone
Lucas Zulu (South Africa):                             Can We
Myron Memon Naidoo (South Africa):          A renewed life
Mandla Mavolwane (Zimbabwe):                Day Dream
Mari Ballot (South Africa):                             What colour is pain
Marial Awendit (South Sudan):                     Let a Woman
Marumo Moagi (South Africa):                        Inspired Less
Marvel Chukwudi Pephel (Nigeria):              Rain: A word Sonnet
                                                                             Diagonal Acrostic: The Juxtaposition
Michael 'Wudz' Ochoki (Sudan/Kenya):       I write
                                                                             The night
Michelle Hayward (South Africa):                 The glass cage
Mikateko E. Mbambo (South Africa):           The Thing Between her legs
                                                                             We are Conscious Women
Mimi Brako Bismarck (Ghana/USA):              Nostalgia
                                                                              How We Ate Fufu
Archie Swanson (South Africa):                      Wind pump
Linda Nabasa (Uganda):                                   Hard Tongue
                                                                              Lyrical penetration
Nana Arhin Tsiwah (Ghana):                           Yamoransa
                                                                              3rd element
Ndumi Dlamini (South Africa):                          Be there
                                                                               Dark words
Nelisa Khethokuhle Khwela (South Africa):       Flight reflections
Nonso Charles Orji (Nigeria):                            Lagos
Ntensibe Joseph (Uganda):                               Homage to once a family
                                                                               To Elites
Nureni Ibrahim (Nigeria):                                   Half of a human species
Kariuki wa Nyamu (Kenya):                              The Lunatic and her Brood
                                                                                Postmodern Nairobi beggar
Ojo Taiye (Nigeria):                                             Untitled
Ojok James Onono (Uganda):                            Peace in the radio
Omuna Andrew Herbert (Uganda):                   Ode to the yellow party
Pasomi Mucha (Kenya):                                       Sycophanta
Phumulani Chipandambiri (Zimbabwe):           My Religion
Rana Al Hassanein (Egypt):                                 Suicide Note
Ravi Naicker (South Africa):                                Strangers after a lifetime together
                                                                                 The Naicker Patriarch
Refilwe Khanya Nxomani (South Africa):          Homecoming
Roy Venketsamy (South Africa):                         African Sunrise
                                                                                  Unsung Heroes (a tribute to my dad)
Rogers Atukunda (Uganda):                       Beyond Beauty
                                                                        The debase
Sibusiso Ernest Masilela (South Africa):  Travelling Alone
Stephen Temitope David (Nigeria):          Song of the lost
Tafadzwa Chikowore (Zimbabwe):           Death
Handsen Chikowore (Zimbabwe):            Payday
                                                                        Victoria Falls
Thembi Charles (Zimbabwe):                     Limitless Spirit
Thandiwe Shea (Lesotho):                          I am dead but still alive
                                                                        Our dyed-in-the-wool regime
Thato Tshukudu (South Africa):                       Grow up so fast
Tola Ijalusi (Nigeria):                                           Omi Alaafia
Tralone Lindiwe Khoza (South Africa):          Black eagles fly high
Tunu Ndanzi (Tanzania):                                  That Talking Tree
Wafula p’Khisa (Kenya):                                   neWS TODay
                                                                              Fallen in love again
                                                                             Once Upon August (for Martha﴿
Yeshni Sookraj (South Africa):                         The Spirit of its Searcher
Vupenyu Zvoushe (Zimbabwe):                        Silence
                                                                               Simon Chimbetu
                                                                               I, Son of the streets
Charmaine Gombera (Zimbabwe):                  Kwashiorkor of free Speech

Hélder Simbad (Angola):                                    Intention
                                                                                Conto fantástico
Britos Adriano Baptista (Moçambique):              Urgência
                                                                                 O preço do meu silêncio
Augusta Jorge (Angola):                                       Filha das ruas
                                                                                  Sou este mundo
Bruno Santos (Angola):                                         Ortográfico
                                                                                  Materia Viva
Carmona Polá Júnior (Moçambique):                 Cego Visionário
                                                                                   Cláudia, Minha Irmã
                                                                                   Odisseia dum Plebeu
Cátia Regina (Angola/Brasil):                                Ser Homem-Deus
                                                                                   Minha Busca
                                                                                   O Que Fazes da Vida
Cristina Ferreira (Angola):                                     Alguém Te Vê Como Mulher
                                                                                   A Carta
                                                                                    A Mulher Africana Que Sou 
Edgar Ginga (Angola):                                             Ele Nunca Disse Te Amo
                                                                                    Minha seduçáo
Albano Epalanga (Angola):                                    Vida Aliciada
                                                                                    Abismo Profundo
Evaristo Fernando (Moçambique):                       Meu Barco de Papel
                                                                                    Metamorfose Xenófóba!
Fabious Benfiquista (Angola):                                Negra
                                                                                     Seria Bom
Fernando Palaia (Angola/Cuba):                           Vocês me tornaram assim
Guilson Silvano Saxingo (Angola):                         Maus trilhos de África
                                                                                     Cidade diamante
Ismael Farinha (Angola):                                      Minutos Recordes
                                                                                 A Morte
Joel Fernandes (Angola):                                     A carta das lagrimas
                                                                                 O contraste da vida
Levita Estanislau (Angola/South Africa):          Um Sorriso No Rosto
Lorna Telma Zita (Moçambique):                      Amar é loucura
                                                                                 A prostituta
                                                                                 Porque querem que eu me cale?
Lourenço Quimbungo (Angola):                        Ungido de arcanjos
                                                                                 Nostálgicas pergolas
                                                                                 A Lenda
Magno Domingos (Angola):                                Poema 1
                                                                                 Poema 2
                                                                                 Poema 3
Marcelo Pedro (Moçambique):                         Criatividade
Márcia Rosel Chambule (Moçambique):         Desafoga-Te
Mohamed Canhanga (Angola):                          Sei Que Te Escondes Por Aí
                                                                                  Escritos Libertários
Ngonga Guinho Luciano (Angola):                      Se eu parar pra pensar
                                                                                  Até Quando África
Obedes Lobadias (Moçambique):                       O Mundo
                                                                                   Folha Dos Ventos
Orlando Joaquim Ussague (Moçambique):       Um ocidente em mim
Rosa Ribeiro( Angola/Portugal):                          Paisagem
                                                                                   Filha do Tempo
Soberano Canhanga (Angola):                              Faixa de Gaja
Sonia Robalo ( Angola/Portugal):                         Carta á Minha Máe Angola
Tony Kunsevi (Angola):                                          Retrato Imortal
                                                                                   Porção Mágica da Vida
Victor de Viriato (Angola):                                     Meu Pai, Meu País
                                                                                   Foi ontem, que teu olhar deixou de lutar
                                                                                   Tenho a pátria rasgada no peito
Virgilio Chilaule (Moçambique):                           Renuncia
                                                                                       Sala Mana
                                                                                       Geraçáo Alagada
Daniel Da Purificação (Angola/Mexico):      Poema 1
                                                                             Poema 2
                                                                             Poema 3
Tagore Rabin Dinura(Angola/Israel):

Tchak Sami( Burkina  Faso):

Armel Ebo’o (Cameroon)

Samira Negrouche (Algeria) :                          Marine par temps calme, 1646
                                                                             Cours d’eau, effet du matin, 1824
                                                                              Ménerbes, 1954
Ernestu Botha (South Africa):                          Liefde en Reen
                                                                              Love and Rain
                                                                              Die Sonblom
                                                                              The Sunflower

Mof’Oluwawo Mojolaoluwa (Nigeria):           Fitila 
Monicah Masikonte (Kenya):                           Naahidi Kukusahau
                                                                               I promise to forget you
Jacobus G. L. Nieuwoudt (South Africa):        Jy weet jou oë
                                                                               You know your eyes
Tendai R. Mwanaka (Zimbabwe):                    Maita Shava
                                                                               Thank you Shava
19 poets (English main collaboration):            A peaceful conflict in the land of utopia
3 poets (Cassoma, Guzha, Mwanaka):             I can still see
2 poets (Mhondera, Oluwaseyifunmi):            Of love & sex in Africa

Best New African Poets 2015 Anthology Poetics and Reviews

1.      On being a pen-guine:  An interview with Fiona Mahomed Khan
2.      Thabo Mbeki’s dream of an African Renaissance:  An interview with Christine Coates
3.      I am a simple farmer, poet, and writer:  An interview with Fayssal Chafaki
4.      Let’s begin at the grassroots: An interview with John Attah Ojonugwa
5.      An Encyclopedia of Learning: An appreciation of Best New African Poets 2015 Anthology by Delia Watterson
6.      A cocktail of verse: An appreciation of Best New African Poets 2015 Anthology by Christopher Kudyahakudadirwe
7.      An interview with Sonia Robalo
8.      An interview with Soberano Canhanga
9.      An article on the Cape Town reading by Archie Swanson
10.  An article on the Oakland California reading by Samantha Akwei

1 comment:

  1. I dearly appreciate the editors of this anthology for finding my poems worth to be part of this great book. May God bless you in abundance.
